Web3 Power Players: The Top DAOs and Communities for Learning and Engaging with Web3

Web3 Power Players: The Top DAOs and Communities for Learning and Engaging with Web3

Web3 or the third generation of the World Wide Web, is characterized by the use of decentralized technologies such as blockchain and peer-to-peer networking. And as the web3 ecosystem continues to grow and evolve, it’s becoming increasingly important for professionals and enthusiasts to stay connected and engaged with the leading web3-based DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) and communities.

In this blog, we’ll highlight some of the top web3-based DAOs and communities that are leading the way in the web3 space. Whether you’re just getting started with web3 or you’re a seasoned pro, these DAOs and communities offer a wealth of resources and opportunities for learning, collaboration, and connection.

The Key Benefits

There are many potential benefits of joining Web3 based DAOs including the opportunity to learn from others, the chance to collaborate on projects, the ability to network with like-minded individuals, and the opportunity to give back to the community by sharing your own knowledge and expertise.

On top of that, DAOs often offer a range of learning opportunities, such as workshops, meetups, and online courses, which can help you to expand your skills and knowledge. No doubt, they can help you advance in your career. So, without further ado, let’s dive in and explore the web3 power players that are shaping the future of the decentralized web!

1. LearnWeb3 DAO

LearnWeb3 DAO is one of the most popular DAO out there. If you want to learn web3 from start to end. LearnWeb3 DAO is all you need. It has free program that will turn you into a web3 developer. Their learning program are highly useful including tracks namely Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior. They also have professional tracks for highly experience Web3 developers. Make sure you checkout this goldmine.

Twitter: @LearnWeb3 DAO
Website: https://learnweb3.io/


2. Lumos Labs

If you searching for Web3 based community to evolve and learn in public, make sure to check Lumos Labs. They organise hackathons, events and community meetups too for aspiring web3 developers in college and beyond. Their most recent hackathon ‘Buidl for Web3’ was a global success with thousands of participations from all over the world.

Join their latest initiative
Lumos Metaverse Whitelist:


Twitter: @lumoslabsHQ
Website: https://www.lumoslabs.co/

3. Meta school

Meta school offers a variety of courses that teach students how to do everything from setting up a MetaMask account to creating their own tokens. The courses include 10 days of Solidity, Creating Blockchain, and NFTs to name a few.

Become a certified Ethereum Developer and earn your graduate NFT Certificate from MetaSchool here.

Twitter: [@0xmetaschool](twitter.com/0xmetaschool "Twitter profile for @0xmetaschool")
Website: https://metaschool.so/


4. Web3University

This is yet another amazing DAO with lots of hands-on curated video lectures to learn from. Web3University provide Lesson Tracks, a series of tutorials that introduce you to various aspects of web3 development.


Recently, they’ve partnered with Alchemy to offer a free Ethereum Developer Bootcamp. Check the details here.

Twitter: [@web3university](twitter.com/web3university "Twitter profile for @web3university")
Website: https://www.web3.university/

5. Buildspace

This is one more DAO with amazing learning resources and content to get your Web3 journey started. In this DAO’s learning tracks, you will learn Web3 by actually building projects. AI Avatar generator, Ethereum NFT Collection generator, Solana dApp using Rust, NFT based game to name a few.


All the cool kids on Twitter have .eth/.sol domains. In buildspace’s learning track you can become cooler than them — by making your own domains!

Twitter: [@_buildspace](twitter.com/_buildspace "Twitter profile for @_buildspace")
Website: https://buildspace.so/
(P.S. If you like anime, do check their website😁)

6. UseWeb3

UseWeb3 is a Web3 exploration and learning platform for developers. Whether you’re a rookie developer getting your hands dirty for the first time or an experienced developer transitioning into the Web3 world.

Get acquainted with beginners learning resources, coding challenges, courses, guides, starter kits, tutorials and much more on their website.

Twitter: @useWeb3
Website: https://useweb3.xyz/


7. ΞthernautDAO

Consider this DAO as a platform where mentors come with proposal to select aspiring web3 developers. This DAO acts and common place for Mentors to get amazing developers for a free two-month mentorship program. It transforms newbie developers into experienced Solidity and Ethereum Developer.

Twitter: @EthernautDAO
Website: https://mint.ethernautdao.io/#home


8. WebXDAO

Here comes the next DAO in the list. WebXDAO, a community dedicated to the future of the web where you will learn how to become a blockchain developer while having fun with other members of the community.

Twitter: [@WebXDAO](twitter.com/WebXDAO "Twitter profile for @WebXDAO")
Website: https://webxdao.xyz


9. Developer DAO

Developer DAO is a community of people who are interested in participating, learning, and contributing to the future of Web3. This community provides access only to developer having 400 $CODE tokens or one of their genesis NFTs. One can also apply for AxisOne scholarships application to gain the access. Learn more here.

Twitter: @developer_dao Website: https://developerdao.notion.site/Getting-Started-with-Developer-DAO-2bddd332c51a4957b0b83f60f9fa4ebe

Make sure to join and utilize all these DAOs and communities and put your foot into the World of Web3 development with a BANG!🔥. But wait there is more. Check these top opportunities in the world of web3 and join the hype!

  1. ETHIndia FellowshipAn 8-week mentor-led fellowship program by ETHIndia.
  2. Lumos Metaverse WhitelistJoin the Whitelist and get exclusive access to one of the fastest growing Metaverse Community.
  3. Winter of BlockchainProgram by hyperedge_so to learn Blockchain development while making open-source contributions.

Thats all for now. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog. Feel free to hit me on Twitter! Also, do check out my repositories on GitHub and don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you would like to work on any of my existing projects or think I would be a good fit in your project. See you in the next one.

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